Tuesday, March 22, 2005

momma wars

i feel like i'm a little old for this, but here i am battling with my mom. the fight started last month because of my birthday. i've been a vegan since the summer and was feeling overdue for going to a restaurant where i could have everything on the menu. so when my mom asked me where i wanted to go i told her of a vegan restaurant in the city (new york) that is only delicious!

i'm not quite sure why my being a vegan is a problem for my mom. maybe it has something to do with not being able to make my favorite meals anymore? i don't know. but it's an issue for her and instead of agreeing to my choice of venue for my birthday, she demanded that i pick a place where she could have what she wanted.

ok, i know i'm an only child and therefore more spoiled than most. i know that wanting my way is evidence of my bratdom. but it was my birthday damnit! i've sat in uncounted restaurants eating french fries or bagels without complaint and i just didn't (and don't) feel that wanting to eat vegan one fucking day out of the year was asking too much.

apparently it was. fight ensues. phones stop ringing. to her credit, my mom offered the first olive branch. i didn't take it. i'm still pissed. i guess it's bringing up issues for me cause i'm asking myself - when did my mother become selfish? i don't remember her that way. but i'm reexamining her past behavior and starting to wonder.

i know i've got to let it go, but for some reason, that's difficult right now.


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